edition - Die Fachzeitschrift für Terminologie

edition 1/2020

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Optimierung der Suchanfrage bei Swisslex

Autor: Christian KrieleThis article is about a project that aimed at optimizing the search results of a legal information platform. It focused on the question of which linguistic phenomena have an influence on the "recall" and "precision" factors and how the search results can be optimized using applied linguistics methods.

Konzeption und Einrichtung von Terminologiedatenbanken

Autor: Klaus-Dirk SchmitzManaging terminology is essential for technical writers and translators, but also for language service providers, companies and organizations. But how does one design and configure a termbase that ideally matches the respective needs and objectives? This paper explains how to build a best practice, concept-oriented termbase. In 12 steps, all major design aspects are discussed that lead to successful terminology management.

DeepL und Terminologie

Autor: François MassionThe success of DeepL is due to its fluid style and to the quality of its results. However, DeepL does not perform particularly well when the specific terminology of a company needs to be used.This article uses examples from a use case with technical German-English terminology to explain the reasons for this and discusses the topic of creating terminologies for intelligent systems processing natural language.

[i]-match: das neue Language-Management-System für alle

Autorin: Nicole KellerDie [itl] AG mit Hauptsitz in München hat ihr Language-Management-System [i]-match einer gründlichen Überarbeitung unterzogen. Es erscheint nun in einem völlig neuen Design mit neuen Funktionen und richtet sich gleichermaßen an unterschiedliche Zielgruppen, wie Übersetzer, Terminologen, Autoren, Lektoren und generell an alle Mitarbeiter eines Unternehmens, die bei ihrer Arbeit angehalten werden, ein Corporate Wording zu verwenden.

Wikidata at Work

Authors: Christian Lieske and Felix SasakiWikidata is a large-scale, non-profit knowledge base that anyone can edit and use. Applications that are intuitive to use and powerful interfaces for programmers make it a versatile tool for a large variety of usage scenarios – including knowledge discovery, content enrichment, terminology work, and translation.